The Spider

So………. I have finally (with some help from my son) got the blog thing to work.

With misty mornings in September, I get to see the spiders webs. So detailed, so intricate. They have taken so much effort. Of course it is to catch their food. But they are so beautiful, especially with the drops of dew glistening on each thread. And so strong. One had made a web between the wing mirror of my car and the door and the spider stayed hanging on, web intact, even along the motorway! Do we put such effort into beautiful things? Even preparing our own food? Or are we content with a quick ready-made snack or anything quick that will ‘do the job’. I have found that if I slow down and take care and find beauty in the things I’m doing, I can enjoy them more. I have found that if I slow down and take care of and find beauty in the people around me, I can enjoy them more too. Is it because they, or it (the spiders web), was beautiful, and I never noticed, or have I made them more beautiful? Can I create beauty in the natural world? No, not really. But I can nurture it or create opportunities for it and appreciate it. Can I change people and make them more beautiful. No not really, it has to come from within. But I can nurture it and create opportunities for growth. So it is with my belief in God. I am here, I have been created, I am beautiful. But can I see it? Do I create opportunities for my own growth? Often, the answer is no. I find my own faults and look in the mirror and see the imperfections not the smile. But God, I think, see’s me as I see the spider’s web. He sees my beauty, my potential and creates opportunities to grow. Maybe, I should be like that with those around me too.